How to create code blocks in MDX & Gatsby
I am going to show you how to create and add code blocks in MDX, building a code block component to use in your MDX for React or Gatsby projects.

Create a code block component
Install Prism for MDX
We are going to use Prism so we can then go ahead and create the component. First install Prism
npm i prismjs
yarn add gatsby-plugin-mdx-prismjs
yarn add @mdx-js/mdx @mdx-js/loader loader-utils --dev
Include in gatsby-config.js
// gatsby-config.js
plugins: ['gatsby-plugin-mdx-prismjs'],
You can read more about Prism here.
Create the code block component
Create a new component and called it however you like. In this example I will call it Code.js
// Code.js
import React, { useEffect } from "react";
import Prism from "prismjs";
import "../../styles/prism.css";
export default function Code({ code, language }) {
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
return (
<div className="my-10">
<div className="Code">
<pre className={/* Inside template literals -> */language- $ {language} }>
Style the code block component
Create a css file called prism.css and make sure to import it in your code block component.
Choose a Prismjs theme
Official Prism Themes
Community Themes Github repo library
Prismjs Theme Generator Create your own theme
Prism Theme CSS
Insert code block component in MDX
To finalize we have to import the code component in our MDX file and start writing our code.
import Code from "./Code";
<Code code={/*code goes between template literals ''*/} languate="javascript"/>
Customizing the fonts of Prism block
If you've followed all the steps correctly then you'll have a prism code block exactly like mine except from the typography.

To add the typography you will have to include the font-styles in the correct css class inside prism.css file.
.token.comment {
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, Consolas, "Andale Mono", "Ubuntu Mono",
"Courier New", monospace;
You can customize your prism code blocks to suit your style with the tools I mentioned above and further expand the functionality of the component.
I hope this guide helped you create beautiful code blocks to highlight your coding. Make sure to leave a 👍 and love ❤️ if you found this article helpful.